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2013-01-09 16:02:49 作者: admin 来源: 浏览次数:

邓建新,男,19668月出生,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。1987年获学士学位,1990年获硕士学位,1995年获博士学位;1997年被破格晋升为教授,1999年被评为博士生导师。现为中国机械工程学会高级会员,九三学社山东大学委员会(南校区主委、济南市政协委员;国际杂志International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials编委、《摩擦学学报》编委。2009年被评为泰山学者,2005年被评为山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家、2004年入选教育部首批新世纪优秀人才支持计划、2002年入选教育部优秀青年教师资助计划、2001年被评为山东省中青年学术骨干和学科带头人,2002年获山东省青年科技奖,享受国务院政府特贴。










1999.11~至   今:山东工业大学/山东大学机械工程学院,博士生导师

2002.01~至   今:山东大学关键岗位教授






1.         Deng Jianxin etal. Friction and wear behaviors of the PVD ZrN coated carbide in sliding wear tests and in machining processes. Wear, 2008, 264 (3-4): 298-307

2.         Deng Jianxin etal. Effect of residual stresses on the erosion wear of laminated ceramic nozzles. Materials Characterization, 2008, 59 (1): 1-8

3.         Deng Jianxin etal. Wear mechanisms of PVD ZrN coated tools in machining. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. 2008, 26 (3): 164-172

4.         Deng Jianxin etal. Erosion wear behaviours of SiC/(W,Ti)C laminated ceramic nozzles in dry sand blasting processes. Materials Science Engineering, A, 2007, 444 (1-2): 120-129

5.         Deng Jianxin etal. Wear mechanisms of gradient ceramic nozzles in abrasive air-jet machining. International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture2007, 47 (12-13): 2031-2039

6.         Deng Jianxin etal. Development of gradient ceramic nozzle materials for sand blasting surface treatments. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2007, 25 (2): 130-137

7.         Deng Jianxin etal. Erosion wear mechanisms of coal-water-slurry (CWS) ceramic nozzles. Materials Science Engineering, A, 2006, 417 (1-2): 1-7

8.         Deng Jianxin etal. Self lubrication of sintered ceramic tools with CaF2 additions in dry cutting, International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 2006, 46 (9): 957-963

9.         Deng Jianxin etal. Wear mechanisms of Al2O3/TiC/Mo/Ni ceramic wire-drawing dies. Materials Science Engineering A, 2006, 424 (1-2): 347-354

10.     Deng Jianxin etalTribological behaviors of hot-pressed Al2O3/TiC ceramic composites with the additions of CaF2 solid lubricants. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2006, 26 (8): 1317-1323

11.     Deng Jianxin etal. Wear of ceramic nozzles by dry sand blasting, Tribology International, 2006, 39 (3): 274-280

12.     Deng Jianxin etal. Failure mechanisms of TiB2 particle and SiC whisker reinforced Al2O3 ceramic cutting tools when machining nickel-based alloys, International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 2005, 45 (12-13): 1393-1401

13.     Deng Jianxin etal. Self-lubricating behaviors of Al2O3/TiB2 ceramic tools in dry high-speed machining of hardened steel, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2005, 25 (7): 1073-1079

14.     Deng Jianxin. Erosion wear of boron carbide nozzles by abrasive air-jets. Materials Science Engineering, A. 2005, 408 (1-2): 227-233

15.     Deng Jianxin, etal. Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed Al2O3/TiC ceramic composites with the additions of solid lubricants, Ceramic International, 2005, 31 (2): 249-256

16.     Deng Jianxin etal. Wear behaviors of the ceramic nozzles in sand blasting treatments, Journal of the Euroepan Ceramic Society, 2003, 23 (2): 323-329

17.     Deng Jianxin etal. Erosion wear of ceramic and cemented carbide nozzles in dry sand blasting process, British Ceramic Transactions, 2003, 102 (2) : 61-65

18.     Deng Jianxin, Lee Taichiu. Effect of ultrasonic surface finishin g on thermal shock behaviour and the strength of EDMed ceramic composites, International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 2002, 42 (2): 245-250

19.     Deng Jianxin, Lee Taichiu. Ultrasonic machining of alumina based ceramic composites, Journal of the Euroepan Ceramic Society, 2002, 22 (8): 1235-1241

20.     Deng Jianxin etal. Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed B4C/(W,Ti)C ceramic composites, Ceramics International, 2002, 28 (4): 425-430

21.     Lee Taichiu, Deng Jianxin. Mechanical surface treatments of EDMed ceramic composites for improved strength and reliability, Journal of the Euroepan Ceramic Society, 2002, 22 (4): 545-550

22.     Deng Jianxin. Friction and wear behaviour of Al2O3/TiB2/SiCw ceramic composite at temperature up to 800, Ceramics International, 2001, 27 (2): 135-141

23.     Deng Jianxin, Lee Taichiu. Surface integrity in electro-discharge machining, ultrasonic machining, and diamond saw cutting of ceramic composites, Ceramics International, 2000, 26 (8): 825-830

24.     Deng Jianxin, Lee Taichiu. Techniques for improved surface integrity and reliability of machined ceramic composites, Surface Engineering, 2000, 16 (5): 411-414

25.     Deng Jianxin. Effect of residual stress on the high temperature toughening behaviours of TiB2/SiCw composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2000, 98 (3):292-298

26.     Deng Jianxin etal. Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed TiB2/SiCw composite. Materials Research Bulletin, 1998, 33 (4): 575-582

27.     Deng Jianxin etal. Wear behaviour and mechanisms of alumina based ceramic tools in machining of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Tribology International, 1997, 30 (11): 807-813

, 28.     Deng Jianxin etal. Wear resistance of Al2O3/TiB2 ceramic cutting tools in sliding wear tests and in machining processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 1997, 72: 249-255

29.     Deng Jianxin etal. Effect of whisker oritenation on the friction and wear behaviour of Al2O3/ TiB2/SiCw composite both in sliding wear and in cutting processes. Wear, 1996 Vol 201: 178-185

30.     Deng Jianxin etal. Friction and wear behaviour of Al2O3/TiB2 ceramic composite against cemented carbide in various atmosphere at elevated temperature. Wear, 1996 Vol 195: 128-132

31.     邓建新等Al2O3/TiC/CaF2自润滑陶瓷刀具切削过程中的减摩机理机械工程学报, 2006, 42 (7): 109-113

32.     邓建新等高温自润滑陶瓷刀具材料及其切削性能的研究机械工程学报, 2003, 39 (8): 106-109

33.     邓建新等陶瓷刀具切削加工时的磨损与润滑及其与加工对象的匹配研究机械工程学报, 2002, 38 (4): 40-45


(1)      新型陶瓷喷嘴的研制开发及其冲蚀磨损机理研究,2004年获教育部科技进步一等奖。(1)

(2)      基于切削可靠性的陶瓷刀具材料的设计与开发研究,2002年获山东省自然科学二等奖。(1)

(3)      高性能长寿命陶瓷喷嘴关键技术的研究及其应用,2006年获山东省技术发明二等奖。(1)

(4)      硼化钛增强陶瓷刀具材料及其摩擦磨损行为研究,1998年获山东省科技进步二等奖。(1)


1.        发明专利:一种自润滑陶瓷刀具材料,专利号:ZL 200410024226.1 (1)

2.        发明专利:一种多环槽陶瓷加工工具,专利号:ZL 200410035790.3 (1)

3.        发明专利:一种陶瓷喷砂嘴制备工艺,专利号 ZL 02 1 35599.1 (1)

4.        发明专利:一种梯度陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴制备工艺,专利号:ZL 200510042269.7 (1)


(1)      国家自然科学基金项目:基于高速切削热驱动的原位反应自润滑刀具关键技术及其相关基础理论和应用研究2007-2009,经费:34.0万,项目负责人及主要研究者。

(2)      山东省科技攻关项目:高性能长寿命陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴关键技术的研究及其应用2007-2009,经费:15.0万。项目负责人及主要研究者。

(3)      国家自然科学基金项目:软涂层刀具技术及其相关基础理论研究2005-2007,经费:26.0万,项目负责人及主要研究者。

(4)      国家自然科学基金项目:高温自润滑刀具材料的研究开发及其应用2003-2005,经费:24.0万,项目负责人及主要研究者。

(5)      教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目,涂层刀具的研究开发与应用2005-2007,经费:50.0万,项目负责人及主要研究者。

(6)      国家自然科学基金项目:基于切削可靠性的复相陶瓷刀具材料的设计与开发研究1999-2001,经费:14.0万,项目负责人及主要研究者。

(7)      教育部博士点基金,原位反应自润滑刀具的研制及其切削性能研究2008-20106.0项目负责人及主要研究者。

(8)      教育部博士点基金,陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴的制备及其相关基础理论研究2005-20076.0项目负责人及主要研究者。









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